The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor has concluded its work. The website has been transferred to the Department of Premier and Cabinet.
Contact DPC.

Independent legislative review of family violence reforms

The Family Violence Reform Implementation Monitor was appointed to independently review the legal provisions supporting the Family Violence Information Sharing Scheme and Multi-Agency Risk Assessment and Management Framework.

30 May 2022

What the Review covered

The Review examined Parts 5A and 11 of the Family Violence Protection Act 2008 (the Act). These Parts provide the legal basis for the:

The Review considered how effective the legal provisions had been in meeting their objectives to:

  • facilitate information sharing, and enable certain organisations to obtain consolidated and up-to-date information from a Central Information Point, for the purposes of establishing, assessing and managing risks of family violence
  • promote service coordination to maximise the safety of people who have experienced family violence, prevent and reduce family violence to the extent possible, and promote the accountability of perpetrators of family violence
  • provide a framework for achieving consistency in family violence risk identification, assessment and management.

It also considered whether there have been any adverse effects associated with the provisions and whether any changes are required to improve the Act’s operation.

The focus of the Review was on the effectiveness of the legal provisions themselves. It did not review or monitor how effectively agencies had implemented the reforms.

The Review’s examination of the FVISS and CIP focused on the 3rd to 5th years of operation of the provisions, while the review of the MARAM Framework considered the first 5 years of operation.

To meet requirements under the Act, the Review must be tabled in Parliament by August 2023.

Read more in the Review plan below.

Call for submissions

In June 2022, the Monitor called for submissions to inform the Review. The submissions campaign has now closed. Further information about submissions received is available on our call for submissions page

Legislative review plan

  • Download 'Legislative review plan'
